The miracle of Lanciano Eucharis

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Lanciano is a small medieval village, situated on the Adriatic coast in Italy, halfway between San Giovanni Rotondo, Loreto. All about the flavor of the Eucharistic Miracle of Lanciano. Even the town name was changed from Anxanum (in antiquity), to launch, meaning "spear."

Tradition dictates that the captain by the name of Longinus, the thrust, which struck the spear into the side of Jesus at the head of his heart, who shed blood and water (inGospel account of the crucifixion (Mark 15:29)) was from this city. After seeing the events that followed the piercing Sacred Heart, the obscuration of the sun, and the earthquake, was convinced that Christ was the Savior.

A visible sign is that Longinus had poor eyesight, and when he touched his eyes with water and blood from the side of Jesus, was the sight again. What a perfect parallel for the shares of Centurion was the miracle of the Eucharist. Hetouched the heart of Jesus was healed, and can be converted. Gave the army, went to Cappadocia, and was martyred for the faith once. In the meantime, is known as Longinus. His feast is celebrated on 15 March.

The Church of the Eucharistic Miracle is in the center of the city. But what is the center of the city was now on the outskirts of the city once again in the eighth century, when the Eucharistic miracle happened. At that time it was called the Church of San Legontian andSt. Domitian, and was under the care of the Basilian, the greek-orthodox rite. This was before the Great Schism 1054


A Basilian Monaco, wise in the ways of the world but not in the ways of the faith, was a difficult time with his faith in the Real Presence of the Lord Jesus in the Eucharist. He prayed for relief from his constant doubts and fears that lost its charm. Suffered from the routine of his priesthood daysDay, with these doubts gnawing at him.

The situation in the world not to strengthen his faith. There were many heresies cropping all the time, kept chipping away his faith. Not all of which were outside the church. Brother priests and bishops have been victims of these heresies, and were widespread throughout the Church. This priest, a very intelligent man, could not do, but more and more convinced by the logic of these heresies, in particularthat a special on his problem is that the physical presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. Human logic has always been a great enemy of the soul, if we try to understand the divine.

One morning, when he started with a strong attack of doubt, with the consecration of the Mass for the residents of the city. He uses the same size, the home side in the Latin rite of the masses is used today. What he saw when he made the bread and wine consecrated to shake his hands, and even the whole body. Stoodfor a long time with his back to the people, and then slowly turned toward them.

He said: "O fortunate witnesses to whom the Holy One of God to confuse my suspicions that this would be manifested in the Blessed Sacrament and make it visible to our eyes Come on. As brothers, and amazed by our God for us by. See , the flesh and blood of Christ, our favorite. "

The landlord was in the flesh. The wine had turned to blood.

People with the testimonyMiracle in itself, began to cry, asking for forgiveness and cried for mercy. Others began to beat his chest, for their sins, and declared unworthy to witness a miracle. Others fell on his knees, the respect and gratitude for the gift of the Lord had given them. All expansion throughout the history of the town and surrounding villages.

Jesus left the Cross, even for a second time. After the miracle was the host setting on a wooden board, thenwhen it is dry, it would roll up like meat crusts ago. So, here again, nailed with nails in the body of a piece of wood.

The miracle that occurred in 700 only the beginning. That was before 1250 years. The miracle had happened, and then fell apart the flesh and blood, as would have been normal, was the miracle was a miracle. The priest had been renewed in faith. The entire city has been all over the country for this, aware of the miracle.Lanciano pilgrims flocked to worship the host turned flesh. Faith in the Eucharist is reborn. The gift of the Lord is complete.

But not all. The miracle is in progress. The host-turned-flesh and the wine-turned-blood, and without the use of any form of preservatives, or in the reliquary. In 1574, the test with the flesh and blood was taken. An unexplained phenomenon was discovered with blood. The five balls of coagulated blood of different sizes,Forms. But any combination weighs the same as the total. In other words, the same 2 weighs 1, 2 weigh the same 3-3 weigh the same 5

From the outset, the local church was this miracle, like a sign from heaven, and I love the flesh and blood in the Eucharistic procession on the feast on the last Sunday of October. The glory of the place of pilgrimage for dissemination throughout the region quickly, and soon all of Italy was the church of the pilgrimage.

Many writingsThe authentication of the Eucharistic miracle occurred over the years. Because it is a miracle important local background and history of the events were carefully recorded.

He had written a manuscript, both in greek and latin, was to confirm the miracle. It 'been said and written, and certificates at the time of miracles. In a chronology of the city of Lanciano, wrote historian Fella in 1500 first, two of the Basilian Church, is nowcustody of the Franciscans, and asked to stay, too. They asked to see the parchment, which tells the story of the Eucharistic Miracle of Lanciano. Franciscans allowed them to study the parchment during the night.

But the next morning, the basil is gone very soon, he awoke first the Franciscans, and took the manuscript with them. The reason, he thought, was that the Basilian shame that someone who had lost his, his faith in the Eucharist, and hopes thatthrough the theft of the original document on the case, you could go. The church of the miracle remained in the care of the monks of St. Basil, until 1176, took over as the Benedictines. However, the building was very run down, and the Benedictines were not particularly enthusiastic about taking care of her.

The Franciscans, however, was the guardian of the shrine. If one of the benefactors, Landulfo Bishop was Bishop of Chieti, gave them sanctuary to be respected,of. Thus, in 1252 he left the Benedictines and Franciscans took over. What I do not know to what actually came to launch was that the church has been a disaster. He suspected that it was the Benedictines, because it is so easy on them. In 1258 the Franciscans built a new church on the site of the original church of St. Legontian.

In 1515 Pope Leo X made a bishopric directly started in Rome.

In 1562, Pope Pius IV, said a papal bull, increaseArchdiocese of a lake.

In 1666, the Franciscans found themselves in the midst of a dispute with the so-called "recommended" or select a group of cities. Italians now call it "could Superb. They thought they were better than anyone else. The recommendations sought to take away from the church of the Franciscans, who is entitled to the primitive church of S. Legontian, was built on which the Franciscan church.

Had they won, they would both churches.But the Lord now is the senior cardinal Gianetti, the Congregation of Bishops and consecrated persons and the Franciscan won the case. You can be sure that they immediately applied for an act, and 18 years later, in 1684, was granted to them. During the time of Napoleon, in 1809 the Franciscans were expelled from the city. But he returned in triumph solemn June 21, 1953.

On June 25, 1672 said Pope Clement X the altar of the Eucharistic Miracle of a privileged altarOctave day of the dead and every Monday of the year.

In 1887, the Archbishop of Lanciano, Monsignor Petarca obtained from Pope Leo XIII, a plenary indulgence for good for those who venerate the Eucharistic Miracle during the 8 days before the festival.

The Miracle of the Eucharist was placed in several locations in the church of St. Francis over the years. At one point in 1566, was the imminent threat from the Turks on the Adriatic coast. It was believed thatI would throw that accumulate an easy target for them. As a matter of safety, the Eucharistic Miracle was taken from the chapel and walled on the opposite side of the church.

However, it was a point that the threat posed by the Turks was really too much. On 1 August this year, lost a brother, Antonio di Giovanni Renzo Mastro, not his faith, the Eucharist, but the ability to store both in God, God wants him and his little band of Franciscans from the attack ofTurks. The need to save the Eucharistic Miracles of the infidels, took the reliquary with the flesh and blood and himself and his brethren, and fled from the city. They walked all night. Shortly before dawn, the brother of John, felt enough distance between them and the enemy, and left his brother to rest. As the sun rose, he noticed that she once again, just outside the city.

Believe that the Lord had intervened and that he wanted his sacred character asSecurity for the people of the city of Lanciano, who had left the brothers with the Holy Spirit met. Have acquired the courage of the lion. Vowed to stay in the Church, and for the protection of the miracle of the Eucharist with their lives. As it turned out, the Lord was with them from harm, as the city of Lanciano, and the miracle of the Eucharist.

Flesh and blood were taken sides until 1636, although the threat was long gone by the Turks. ThisTime was the miracle of the Eucharist on the right side of the altar, wrapped in a transfer of iron Tabernacle, behind the iron doors. There were four keys at a time, the place from different people in each city. This was called the Chapel Valsecca in honor of the founder. Flesh and blood were kept in this beautiful church until 1902. The believers could worship only the Eucharistic Miracle on special occasions, the Monday after Easter, and the last week of October, the week ofFest. The indulgence was made available to the people during the festival.

From 1902 it was found that the chapel for Eucharistic Miracle Valsecca has been inadequate. The people of Lanciano were too hungry to our Lord Jesus in the form of flesh and blood to see, while praying for him. Under the inspiration of the local bishop of Lanciano, Bishop Petrarca, a beautiful altar and the new home for the miracle of the Eucharist was designed by a famous architect Filippo Sergiacomo. Thatwas a good sign. But the real sign came from the people of Lanciano. They collected all the money needed for the new altar. During the month dedicated to the Festival, five bishops of the Abruzzo region, with the Franciscans and pilgrims from all over the inauguration of the new altar.

Launch was chosen as the location for the first Eucharistic Congress for the region of Abruzzo for on 23-25 September 1921.

We make our pilgrimage to the shrine of times a year. Entering the church,Our attention is now focused on the altar unusual. There are two tabernacles, rather than the traditional one. The second apartment is at the beginning of the first. Continuing along the nave of the altar, we see a big sign on the wall, starting from 1574, which tells the story of the miracle of the Eucharist.

For more information on the right side of the main altar is a painting of the Eucharistic Miracle. The image is opened from the wall, reveals a series of doors, behind which hides one of thetabernacle of old iron. This is the chapel Valsecca, and was the home of the Eucharistic Miracle 1636-1902, when the present altar was built.

We go back on the main altar, where a stairway to the second tabernacle, the miracle of the Eucharist. A priest of the church dressed in clothes for the celebration of Holy Mass will be accommodated, and leads us to the top of the stairs. The monstrance, and the miracle before our eyes. We need to get into groupsfive years. The priest puts a flashlight in the rear of the host turned Flesh. This is truly a heart muscle. With the light at the end, the fibers of the heart can be seen. The cup containing the blood, it is assumed that the same thing in his blood after the miracle, and perhaps the royal couple, which was used for the mass, where the miracle happened. The host is light brown over the years. And when the priest puts the light in the back, apparently, the color pink.The blood takes a look ocher.

It 'impossible to appreciate knowing the Eucharistic Miracle of Lanciano without visiting the effect on witnesses, IT

All questions and doubts about the physical presence of Jesus in the Eucharist becomes a matter of rhetoric, if you are privileged witnesses who saw the miracle. Decend steps in tears. Many go on their knees at the sight of the miracle. What was perhaps curious, skepticsbe amazed, awe-believers. You go to sit on the benches to be alone in silence, crying, praying. A priest, who went with us, launched in 1983, wrote: "I never can lift the host or consecrated wine back in without seeing my Lord is very Heart of the fingers, the blood alive in the bowl before me. "

A pilgrim who was born and baptized a Catholic convert, his wife, after the adoration of the Eucharistic Miracle of Lanciano, "I have never physically HOLDPresence of Jesus in the Eucharist. For me it was strictly "in memory of him. Now, I truly believe that I live my Jesus returns in the person consuming the consecrated host to WORSHIP ME THAT I AM."

On one occasion, after the priest had shown all of our pilgrims, eucharistic miracles, arrived at the foot of the 'altar, and made the following observation:

"Experience Remember, this miracle, now that you and that you so far to testify that happens every day in everyChurch in the world, during the inauguration of the fair "

How many tests have been performed over the years, how often our Dear Lord Jesus can be encouraged to cut and examined under a microscope and photographed. The recent, extensive scientific research done in 1970, the most advanced scientific instruments. The test results are as follows:

- The meat is actually meat. The blood is real blood.
- The flesh of the heart muscle(Myocarditis)
- The flesh and blood belong to the genus Homo.
- Flesh and blood have the same blood type (AB)
- In the blood, proteins that are present in their normal conditions, as found in the blood serum protein make fresh normal.
- Found in the blood, there were also these minerals: chlorides, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium and calcium.
- The storage of flesh and blood, which were left in their natural state twelve o'clockCenturies (preservative chemical) and exposed to atmospheric agents and biological agents, remains an extraordinary phenomenon.

In this most recent survey, the following observations were made:

"While it is my responsibility is foreign, strictly speaking, I should complete the following considerations in the study now: The clarification comes with these studies include the type of meat little to support the hypothesis of a"Fraud" perpetrated centuries ago. As it was, in fact, I believe that the heart may have been taken from a cadaver, I argue that only an experienced hand in anatomical dissection would (a hollow internal organs, to achieve a single cut, as yet to be seen in the flesh) "

What the physician, scientist, not a theologian, says in simple language is that, although not his job to speculate at this point, it would be difficult, almost impossible for anyonecut a piece of heart in a way that has been done. He also says that it is highly doubtful that it was fraud.

Another unusual feature is that the blood on LPG, which has retained the chemical properties of the blood just poured out. If we shoot ourselves and our clothes stained with the chemical properties of blood in 20 minutes to half an hour away. If the blood is not refrigerated up to one hour, the composition of the blood stops quickly. IfBlood were taken from a dead body, would lose its qualities quickly through the cavities. This blood is older than 1,250 years and still retains all its properties, chemical and protein in the blood just poured out. Still, the audit found, are free from preservatives of any kind were found in the blood.

Jesus gives us his heart again in the Eucharistic miracles, the heart muscle. He gives us his blood, once again in this wonderful form of healing ourselves. He gives us his blood to his bodythe Eucharist every day, to heal us and nourish us. There are cases in history that we want in this book, where people have lived for many years to discover non-food items other than the Eucharist.

Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life and I will raise him on the last day. For my flesh is real food and my blood real drink. John 6:54-56

We believe that is the most perfect form of love, the love of Jesus in the Eucharist. The miracle of Lanciano, loves us withrevealing his heart and his blood. It helps us, the victims of our perfect lamb, Jesus in the Holy Mass, to understand how much I love you? Here is my heart? How much do you love? Here is my blood which is shed for you.

Each day during the fair, Jesus, at their mercy, offers us his heart for us to accept or reject. We are part of reincarnation. God, who is with the man - God became man. When Mary carried Jesus in her womb, there are also entitled to wearNow, Jesus was very heart, his body, his love into our hearts. And we are never the same.

The Shroud of Turin blood LAUNCH TEST

In 1978 a group of NASA scientists conducted an intense debate about the Shroud of Turin, with all the sophisticated scientific equipment for our office space at this time. Among the numerous findings made the researchers to support the authenticity of the Shroud, a very significant discovery, which is through bloodType on the Shroud. AB was positive, the same blood type as found in the Eucharistic Miracle of Lanciano. More and more science has confirmed what we believed in faith over the centuries.

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