Bridging the gap between strategic planning and execution

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Less than half of C-level executives responding to an online survey McKinsey said they were very satisfied with the approach of the strategic planning of their company (McKinsey 2006). In addition, most managers have decided that even if the schedule is likely to have far greater and more serious problem occurs in "Failure to Launch," which is located in the gap between strategy and execution.

Ultimately, this means that the senior executives of big ideas and have an overall very goodwhat seems business nirvana, but the mystery remains: How can a body to regulate the real closure to create or remove the gap. In order to know whether the majority of managers, what is the problem, because you fixed it?

The following is a list of proposed remedies for the harm or degrade organizational performance. The list is not exhaustive, but when taken together measurable positive impact on your business. Some CEO level with which Ishared these ideas, they told me that he would if only had the time. My advice to them was to find the time or someone to initiate and follow through for you. With a well-defined and effective measures, with a strategy is only a starting point, but an important act that produces results in the creation.

Moreover, it is important for the cascading nature of strategic plans and the imperative of consistency to reach the objectives and the vision to see theImplementation. Each phase of strategic planning is influenced by, and provided that each next step. During the strategic planning is both linear and nonlinear in nature, is the following linear model used to illustrate a simple process of strategic planning:

Vision - Mission - Values - Goals - Strategies - action plans, project plans and frameworks - execution - monitoring, evaluating, refining.

Well, the implementation of strategies to bridge the gap between planning andRunning ...

1. Clear picture of what your business looks like Nirvana (the vision) in your operating environment.

Reiterating In other words, the industry you work in if you are in the health sector is, we are committed to promoting wellness, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of illness and when it occurs. If you're Apple or Starbucks, you're in the area of creating and marketing (with emphasis on marketing) life. In formerEvent takes place on the shape of the head of consumer electronics lifestyle that are interesting, easy to use, reliable, and think and create, what the customers want to take. In the latter case, the life takes the form of "funky" relax - alone or with others - emotionally and psychologically connected with a coffee at a port in a busy road. If you're Otis elevators, people and goods moving horizontally, vertically and diagonally across the room betteranyone else. If you're Toyota, create a reliable, quality, affordable, attractive, high functionality and facilities for the transportation of people and goods around the world (Note: the memoirs of these visions are summarized and described the author Knowledge of these organizations).

If you have a clear idea of what you do what you do, and the environment in which it, then you can begin to bring in those areas in which you are responsible. If you do not knowImage that you want / need to paint and / or can not be transferred to your employees or if business is done in areas where no jurisdiction or in a weak position, consistent organization, then its time for a change. The best way to achieve the desired results are to use your strengths and not focus your energy on your weaknesses. If you are not a killer strategy, and continue to fight or to gain market share, and there are strategies killer on the horizon, youMay want to seriously reconsider its approach. Running on bad policy is like canoeing across the Pacific. They may succeed, but the odds are definitely stacked against you.

2. The right people in the right place doing the right things, that the individual is motivated and strengthen teams

One of the biggest mistakes of implementation of the strategic planning gap occurs in the field of organizational development and the interface with the human capital. This aspect ofSuccess of the company is one of the most important, yet in many organizations, leaving a point on the agenda until the end of the meeting or not treated. Because every sound strategic planning in the world is not produced effective results if the organization has the right people to do the right things. No matter what the organization is spoken, all made by humans.

The employee is a highly effective employee happy, and vice versa. Leading technologyCompanies like Google and Microsoft have discovered this reality and continue to use it to their advantage and overwhelming success. Secondly, it is important that people do the work they have committed. In other words, the job that fits their personality, their career goals, hopes, aspirations, desires and needs. Therefore, a humanistic approach to support and promote people within the organization in areas where they are competent, energized, andshould be a priority and excited to be part of a strategic plan performance. For companies that do not know how to do, I would recommend starting by Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality assessment, or similar style ratings.

The process of discovering an individual personality and work can be both fun and enlightening for managers and employees. It also provides people with information on where to best fit within the organization. InWhere is his personality, professional goals, values and / or beliefs are congruent with the organization with you, maybe it's better for them to realize their potential in a different environment, rather than trying shape and form found are the basic beliefs and attitudes to the environment are in the latter rarely works for long, and creates a cognitive dissonance and stress. If this is dissonance and stress is common, harmful resultscan echo throughout the organization. Regardless of the organization is, personality inventories should not be used as a basis for dismissal. However, for both workers and businesses need to realize the benefits of alignment, and the optimal alignment of people and activities.

Over the past 10 years has been enough research on the development of teams put together to fill whole libraries. And among the books of literature on this topic, the only thing that I want to emphasize and discuss briefly hereTe: teams need a leader with an institution in good faith and decision making. All the Buzz words like teamwork, inclusion, participatory, supportive, cooperative, synergistic, storm, norm, form, function, and that means nothing, as the face of a leadership vacuum. This applies to large teams (like the C-Level Steering Group) for the project team responsible for the results of limited scope. Easily identifiable, without a leader (Note: No two leaders), the success of the team isworked hard, extremely volatile, and, above all. It 'my opinion that this condition must be satisfied. Be given the term "person responsible" care is different from the real or sole right to decide. Many organizations have informal networks and their relationships with each other that reaches well before May the formal sector. Health care is a good example. While hospital administrators have the authority considerably on the distribution of resources and administrative activities, doctors (general practitioners andSpecialists) will continue to have substantial power, and some might say that the balance "of power when it comes to operational decisions of generals.

3. Do you provide detailed strategic planning and management of part of the built-in Web operations, and not just the annual activities conducted at company level or esoteric

Significant detail to be that situational information is continuously updated and used as a basis for strategic decisions, and that adequate, well-thought accessibilityInformation is available and used for action plans, performance metrics to create dashboards and reports. If this is exceeded, after a reasonable period of time, you will find your data, or change your plan of action / below this limit, then you need to reorganize in order to act, adapt, and fitted. Another paradigm is often used to refine Plan-Do-Study-Act. This is the most difficult aspect of organizational behavior. For some, it is less painful to lose valuable time trying not to create a list of excuses for havingAct for actions, as it is very simple.

Once you develop an action plan, we must act. Above all, act now. In developing a plan of action, think about what you should do and whether they have achieved the desired results. Always cover the range of results and the urgency and impact of the consequences of these results. For example, if the overall results of a series of actions to take you where you want to go, then act. By all means, discuss with yourBoss, your legal department, the financial sector or with other experts, but make sure you do it and whatever you do, do it with the intention right for your customers, clients or stakeholders (depending on your company is suitable).

You can try to quantify the results and consequences of probability and impact, particularly as regards the size of the result. You want to "failure" measures to prevent a low probability of success and the impact that your extremeOrganization. Alternatively, the results with high probability and the measure of success and low risk of adverse effects should rank. Method for employing what you need to make a decision, but make sure you do not get caught in the development of models for the exclusion of measures. Last but not least, make sure that always point to the global strategic plan, business plan, operational plan, or depending on which plan or plans of the department is required to follow. We are your sessionGoals? Are your strategies work? Are the objectives SMART (specific, measurable, achievable / aggressive, realistic and time period)? Are the actions that you take the desired effect? What can be done better, faster, that's right for you, where you going? Go to the level of detail required for decision making to reduce risks to a minimum - then act.

4. Later identified by an item in your strategic plan

This is the most importantIndicator of whether or not an organization that will implement its strategic vision. Organizations that keep their plan to meet their course from time to time, but continues to be active, will be successful. Those who do not take sides, through measures that will almost certainly fail. Yes, definitely, you can adjust the sails, if you must, but make sure they are at sea, if you do so. Dry boat moored is not everywhere, and no adjustments will impact sail. If youNot sure how to pursue your strategic planning, then you find out how. If the timing is wrong to start the program and then take steps to prepare for when the time is right. However, do not use "timing" an unnecessary delay as an excuse or postpone the project, program or strategic initiative. More "research" and / or "study" are terms often used by the government, facing an unpopular decision policy. If you are confident and have made the necessary planning,go ahead and start the project, program or initiative.

5. Be sure to take adequate incentives for people to make decisions

Offer your employees. This means that when you have defined your strategy, and plans and project are in place to enable employees to take the decisions necessary to make the project and / or organization forward. If you need any decision that will be delivered to a point, this point becomes a bottleneck, the resentment will follow, and the result is toodelays or difficulties. It 'frustrating to have competent staff to pass everything through a micro-manager. If this is a necessary condition, screams and ran to mistrust among employees more fiercely dedicated. Over time you lose good employees to your organization and suffer the consequences.

6. Kaizen - Management of gradual change rather than a widespread change

Wikipedia describes as a Japanese concept of management, which directly translated means Kaizen:Change for the better, to change or improve. In English and the management philosophy of continuous quality improvement (CQI), embodies the company (many focused mainly production), have in recent years. Kaizen and the Toyota Production System (TPS), or in the past two years in vogue in management environments are used as a panacea for the problems of organization. E 'implicit in kaizen, which will lead to all employees for the disposal of waste and duplication,and all contribute to the improvement of the organization. The three basic principles of kaizen are:

(a) Consider the process and results (not just the results).

(b) in systems thinking throughout the process and not just those directly) with respect to (ie big picture, not just the narrow view.

(c) learning, not judging, not the fault (because the debt is wasteful) approach and intent.

The Kaizen approach was clearly effective in the world. However, there are veryreal barriers in North America for the implementation of this approach. For example, organizations that are known for their hours with Kaizen, but not to provide support through training or through the rationale for change, often fail. Secondly, it is easier to implement Kaizen "collectivist" v. "individualistic" cultures. The operating principle of Kaizen is to switch to one for all and all for one "style of operating system. Western collectivist cultures are more individualistic, and thereforeMore on "one to one" and the "Buzz Off when all are useful for one." Therefore, it was designed inside Kaizen and is used most effectively by Asian and other cultures more collective.

However, Kaizen can be implemented as a principle and practice, with successful results, if the basic conditions and organization of the implementation is ready for them and has prepared his team. Create and convey a sense of pride in craftsmanship and the production is an importantLook. Not allow organizations to be able to build this key psychological issues in their staff in implementing Kaizen and / or TPS principles have in their work. At least one organization that has an interest in people, the dividends will not experts before undertaking the program. Essentially, any action based program that provides measurable, positive results is desirable.

7. The importance of communication, public relations, and give a wordPraise your employees

The importance of communication and public relations (C / PR), not be stressed enough. To obtain a bridge the gap between strategy implementation, it is imperative that the organization is not only a sound strategy for external communication, but that the internal C / PR strategy is above suspicion as well. Ensure that the strategic plan, implicitly or explicitly include the recognition of employees, and describes the methods to provide themMessage that is crucial for success in the 21st Century. People want to believe that work is valuable and valued, which have also evaluated, and that they are valued and their work is critical to the overall success of the organization. There are exceptions to this rule, but overall, the majority of responding positively to praise. Corporate, an organization providing products or services which ensure that creates are commendable, in reality, and that this praise and otherReward systems are in place. Do not think for one second that the financial rewards are sufficient to convey to all employees a place of pride in their work. Construction of a C / PR strategy that reinforces the consistently strong and positive, and positive beliefs about the organization of workers is essential.

It may be possible for an organization a deep pride in the quality of the product or service they have seen, but to keep this pride in the long term, a robust internal C / PRThe strategy should be produced and implemented in a consistent manner over time.

8. Removal of functional and structural "silo-ism" and "turfism"

One of the largest and most insidious contribution to bridging the gap between strategy and execution of functional "silos found ism" and "turfism" that exists in most organizations, particularly medium and large enterprises.

Turfism is a term that describes the concept, the concept that one or more layersOrganization, there are leaders who are so risk averse that accumulate information, people and processes to ensure its survival on the survival of their structural or functional area. This turfism most cases the result of personal insecurity or habits, and ultimately a poor self-image (in person or) to the organization. Silo-ism is a cousin of turfism that are structural and functional silos or stovepipes that often created by turfismallows the flow of information within the silo. However, little or no information on the barrier transition Silo services outside of the silo. A silo can be both a functional space (eg, finance, IT) or a sub-plot within the silo. A silo can also be represented as a cross-functional layers, warp enclave of managers to refuse the exchange of information. There is no easy way to turfism either or silo-ism, with no direct aim at combating the cause.

Turfism grows like ivy, and with ita creeping paralysis that everything that comes into contact with infected. If these diseases organizations present in your organization to identify and remove as soon as possible. Turfism of ear tags and / or silo-ism are a person that all decisions in a particular area or program SBU, lack of functional communication, personal growth, well beyond the relative value of functional responsibility or functional area, unhappy, isolated , anxious, reserved and / or corrosive agents;and high quality, but below the average volume of production and products / results. These are just some of the symptoms of the silo-ism or turfism. Follow and take action aimed to eliminate as soon as they discovered.

9. Pay attention to your core business functions and operations, ie, return what you do and do not always fragmented or diluted

Every successful organization goes through cyclical periods of expansion and contraction --similar to our economy. Good management team should be able to accommodate these situations of change and prevent a functional area to become important during an "up" or "." Regardless of how important areas of finance, IT, human resources or services related to your organization, you are still in production and services in your target audience. When the dust has yet made responsible for the growth of your business with the acquisition of market share in existing or emerging markets or inDevelopment of markets outside the major markets.

This emphasis on market share means that customers buy your products and services that they have direct operating costs and the areas of marketing. So while finance can play a crucial role in the acquisition of additional resources for the company and the control and management of revenues and costs, is not particularly operations generate. Can facilitate growth, but in reality, they are responsible.

Information TechnologyThis is an area of support service, cost reduction and improvements in efficiency or effectiveness (but often results in increased costs to business costs ever can help). Over the past 10 years we will see more and more companies see as a core business, rather than an area of support. This has a deleterious effect on the cost of running the company, as it is important, but usually not in the definition of Peter Drucker economy, "create a customer." The HR --Department is also an important area and serves to recruit the right people for the right place at the right time. But it is also a simple service area of support for the operation and marketing group.

Then, with clarity and focus for the assessment of the business you're in the area and what should be the strongest growth. Furthermore, the horizontal or vertical integration if firms outside the core business, you should monitor this process closely to ensurethat actually contribute to your growth and prosperity. Acquisitions and mergers can lead to increased organizational synergies and / or profits, but may in the current fragmentation and ambiguity of culture, which may well affect the company or the main office. Remember, is the marketing and service operations that most of the executing authority, unless you embrace your strategy, you may actually be a problem.

10. Evaluate your progressfor the meeting, how good you are strategic objectives.

Larger companies are also vulnerable to erring in this regard, as start-ups. The strategic objectives are sometimes so esoteric, generic or vague it is impossible to know what success seems not to speak of achieving the necessary funding for the law of war to it. Moreover, it can be difficult to assign, without profit or advantage to one or more experts, strategy or decision. E 'therefore crucial breakCriteria down to basic measures of success. Each department must have its own set of metrics and responsible for reporting on its success to no more than a quarterly basis. Of course, some companies are set to do so more easily than others, but in both cases, it is important that the objectives are quantifiable measurable results.

However, the metrics do not make the Gospel. While they are an important aspect of organizational performance, are only aLook. Metrics are a solid way to quantify aspects of the production or provision of the service, but it is extremely difficult for the metrics sufficiently the overall effectiveness of an organization that expand or reduce in line with cyclical variations. Moreover, the overall quality of the organization and its products / services (especially services) is sometimes not easy to quantify. Think of these factors, and that there are a number ofcausal factors behind each metric.

11. You know your business culture and strategies to bring this culture

Early in my career I have had the experience of working for a large organization that had little respect or regard for the employees. The organization is risk averse in the extreme, a few good decisions were made during my stay. The decisions that were made were often a result of "group think" and to discuss openly, in terms of strategic effectiveness.The organization's top management has been particularly adverse to risk, and change often avoided. When the amendment was adopted, was done randomly, which was deep and lasting hostility to the organization of the result. The expression of professional opinion was also rare, because the fear was the first widespread loss of jobs, as proscribed by other managers within the organization.

Although the role in the organization was stressful and the pay mediocre, words of praise were only a fewsown. As a result of a trade union mentality developed, was created in which a separation between management and workers. Over time, this gap has, with the direction with an inherent distrust of intense personal distrust and even dislike for management. Negotiating position was based, as an interest.

Despite the overall negative, depressing, there were some bright spots. These divisions were strong leaders who understand the valuePraise employees who have their jobs and went beyond the call of duty to complete the tasks assigned. These people were capable of providing an environment where employees were invited to talk about how the service processes and to create procedures to improve overall operations. Not only were their proposals ", to" feel "heard" and immediately acted. Needless to say, jobs in these areas were much sought after and rare openings. Not a pity that theRest of the organization does not have some of the practices of these areas with the best performance Lunches.

Expected over time and as a result of a massive (and poorly executed, and change management), the initiative, many executives left or were dismissed. Who remained, focusing on security, process and fear. The organization continues to remain, despite some successes are few and far between.

What would be the case. There was ample opportunity for the elderlyManagement to change the culture of the organization. Unfortunately, as good managers and the others left and were replaced by new recruits, managers (ie, the risk averse, control, process-oriented crowd), and these new employees. The cycle continues and continues. In this organization a lot of strategic planning, will not lead to successful results, since it is a complete penetration also between strategy and execution. Massive, top-downThe amendment will be necessary in this culture to make a difference.

Regardless of culture in society, there are three options:

(1) had to do with what you have, and adjust their choices within the cultural boundaries,

(2) launch a massive cultural change and marrying the business strategy and

(3) strategic, incremental cultural change and to develop and organize the strategy and execution of activities with these changes.

12. Two words,Rejuvenation of an organization - Change Management

Change management has come to be deprived of the most closely associated with IT projects in the last ten years. However, the field will change management principles that go beyond one or more projects. With the right approach for change management and a robust internal communications and public relations program, companies can overcome great obstacles in their efforts to succeed. Although no process of change management is perfect, fromdue to the fact that the organization takes the time to plan and manage, it seems), stakeholders (employees, customers that want, is to improve conditions and performance seriously. Wherever possible change in planning and management should be implemented in one for each project, program or general organizational changes.

Remember to change to thaw Lewin Model: - - refreeze.

Finally, there are a number of reasons why a gap or chasm mayThere are between strategic intent and the plan of organization and strategic results in relation to implementation. Unplug this can have many causes, but can be cooked to a very pre-history. Aggregately organization is only as good as the people employed, it is understood both internally and externally, and the decisions they make. If an organization's strategic plan is clear, well thought out, reasonable, and respects and appreciates the contribution of their most valuable assets - whichStaff - there's a good chance it will be a good performer, or at least the best way. Employees have the right to vote and to make these contributions have been evaluated. While the people of the most important aspect of the strategy to bridge the gap, the execution, are with the people is not enough.

The organization must be carefully and thoroughly in his intent and his research. Demographic, financial, marketing and other forward-looking assessment and measurement are needed to evaluate andexploit the economic growth and organizational goals. The organization must have a thorough knowledge of the sector, the market, have a potential for growth, and his position in the industry. Moreover, it is necessary to evaluate its performance and to authorize a regular forum for IT staff to take the right measures (for duplication, waste and redundancy) to reduce and change or correct the changes over time. In order to preserve and retain talent, a solid, internal C / public relations strategy must be used to create a feeling of"Membership", unity and pride.

Finally went, as every key business process, there must be a balance between strategic planning and execution. Where planning occurs in the absence of enforcement or execution takes place in the absence of planning, you are sure to follow difficulties. This does not take down the other, but both are in balance, to learn and adapt as you go. Whatever you do to prevent the spread or cause of vagueness, ambiguity and anxiety throughout the organization - isThanks to yourself and the results speak for themselves. Last, be sure to understand your culture and how change management practices are used (including internal communications and public relations) can influence change. The people of the fair, decisive, and economic thought and action. It 'important to record what you want to face (in a strategic plan) and then reach the strategic action to your intentions.

Remember, failure is the main reason for companiesFailure.

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