Mind-Body Integration - science or pseudo-science?

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While honest, scientifically minded professionals should be grateful that their method was used to explore new mind / body approaches, there are still many skeptics that still kind of research and the results are a disgrace and should, like "Woo Woo" , a non-scientific, emotional period for acceptance, but controversial concept of "pseudo-science."

In fact, I believe that these self-styled fun to diatribesDefenders of "good science" is doing us a favor. In the field of complementary and alternative medicine, there are too many "true believers" who have left their idealism before their common sense. In fact, I often read publications or even formally evaluated, in which the authors make bold statements that do not have other support other than the charisma of the writer. They are based on the most desirable, feel-good emotions rather than logic and reason. Therefore, as Ioften avoid if I push anti skeptic intellectual tendency for the assassination of character as a reason we have provided a service from us on our feet. No, not our desire to believe in something that our true beliefs. The assumptions are still to logic and confirmed by an acceptable method.

Have, on the other side, I would change the reader about the reluctance of the providers of "good science" to accept the old assumptions and beliefs with carewas denied. The conflict in the early 20th century between Newtonian and quantum physics comes to mind. They are reluctant to come to the field of neurology plasticity, despite ample "good science to accept" the search.

Despite the devastating consequences of the ideas of Albert Einstein for his theory and his contribution, an evolution of the concept is a relatively unified field theory, I think that was his most important contribution to the promotionthe idea of "thought experiments". Yes, that its assumptions were largely confirmed later. However, it was the process of creating these assumptions, which showed that it is possible to produce ideas and concepts through the process of imagination and logic. So even though this was in large part, there is a steady stream of sound scientific studies support the ideas of the mind / body integration, most of the current post or the "thought experiment" level, which means thatFurther research is still warranted.

Although the separation between spirituality and science - which led the Great Plague of 1665 - remains the halls of our universities have learned absolutely obsessed literature too many "good" supports the link between the physical and spiritual. In particular, recent studies in Finland, which showed that hypnotic suggestions enable not only the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, but also correlated with the activation of other substrates areas the secondary somatosensory cortex, anterior cingulate and insula must, without doubt in the minds of the allopathic doctors harder that thoughts influence the body. There would be no difficulty in extending the logic of the Finnish research for the development of a test of "thought" the postulate that the activation of HPA later, a gland would have no impact. It just means the research, which is one among many, to confirm the mind-body connection? Frankly, I seetoo many breadcrumbs pointing to participate in exciting scientific research projects.

Finally, I explain why I feel that the mind / research center is needed. First, I heard again and again and read the results of clinical and empirical, which are still short of the declaration. Operators to observe the results (which must be documented as case studies are made), and beliefs. Of course, unless it uses scientific methods to confirm these results, operators are often based on "Woo Woo"Idealism further their faith. This is unfortunate because it delays the final approval for the medical mainstream. Secondly, doctors and researchers repeatedly off complaints of patients, giving psychosomatic symptoms or "all in your head." This statement is, unfortunately, leads to the detriment of further research and leads to questionable pharmaceutical interventions or unnecessary operations. If the assumptions arising from the mind-body Arena, I agreewould be logical to accept the postulate that all the physiological phenomena as "the boss", if it exists physiologically.

Research and debate in mind-body-correlation is probably the most exciting way of intellectual debate. While the emergence of "hard" sciences at the same time with the Renaissance Western in many ways led us into a new "Dark Age", in which the invisible was discarded as invalid. The fusion of spiritual concepts, the natural sciences,and quantum theory through the use of "thought experiments" and "good science" can be on the brink of a new technological era that can only represent the next major step in human evolution.

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